If you are looking for the best financial magazine or the best investment magazine, there is the Kiplinger. The Kiplinger publishes business and finance forecasts as well as personal business and finance advice. These are available in print, online, software, video and audio. Created in 1920, Kiplinger over the years have become one of the most trusted smart money subscriptions. It has garnered numerous prestigious awards in financial industry and has also been held as one of the most ethical companies in the country. If you are looking for business and financial advice, here are three ways to get financial advice from the Kiplinger.
First there is the Kiplinger newsletter, better known as The kiplinger letter. The Kiplinger newsletter is the most widely read business forecasting publication today. It was first published in 1923, the Kiplinger newsletter is now read by different types of people, from managers to housewives, to people in for profit to people in nonprofit organizations, to individuals in government agencies, educational institutions and other entities. The Kiplinger newsletter became popular over the years because of its sound advice and because it is easy to read. Anybody can learn about the articles in the Kiplinger newsletter. Since the Kiplinger newsletter offers financial and business forecasts, it became very important for a lot of people particularly during times of financial difficulties. For example, during the Great Depression, the Kiplinger newsletter gave a lot of people warnings. These helped them survive the tough economic times. Today, the Kiplinger newsletter provides the same service to a lot of people as we are in the midst of economic crisis. The Kiplinger newsletter gives subscribers insights and tips on the economy.
Second, if you want it online, there is the Kiplinger.com, a money magazine online. It is actually the official website of the Kiplinger. It went online in 1996 and has since gained a lot of subscribers and followers. It offers both business forecast and personal finance. You can also find from the website old or archived articles and features of The Kiplinger Letter. At the same time, it is more than just the online counterpart of The Kiplinger Letter. It has wide range of resources for those who want to better manage their finances. It also has blogs and forums for those who want more interactive advice and forecasts. Wide range of financial topics are also covered, from investment to buying tips and others.
Third, Kiplinger also offers more personal advice through its Kiplingers Personal Finance magazine. The magazine covers financial advice on practically all topics, such as investing, starting a business, buying, sending kids to college and others. The Kiplinger also publishes single topic magazines, such as on taxes. These are available on the newsstands. It also has DVDs on various topics, such as the Money Milestone which it coproduced with The History Channel.