If you are looking for a money magazine online, or maybe an investment news magazine, or perhaps the best financial magazine around, you used to be able to get that all from a Smart Money subscription.
Your Smart Money subscription would get you monthly issues of the Wall Street Journal Magazine of Personal Business. It was launched in 1992 by Dow Jones and Company and the Hearst Corporation. The target market was the affluent professional and managerial business people. It offered them help with personal finance information. That help would come in the form of articles on things such as ideas for saving, investing and spending. Other topics covered were automotive, technology, and lifestyles such as fashion, travel, music, food and wine.
Sounds great, right? You should drop everything and get a Smart Money subscription right now, right? Too late, I am afraid. September of 2012 saw the last print edition of Smart Money. But not all hope is lost. It was actually merged with Market Watch.
Market Watch is essentially the same thing. It is also owned by Dow Jones and Company, and operates solely as an online financial magazine. It offers its readers business news and analysis, stock market information and data. It also provides personal finance advice and news, access to industry research, and tools for investors.
Market Watch produces a syndicated weekend television program and half-hourly radio updates through the Market Watch Radio Network. They also offer services to individual investor subscribers such as the Hulbert Financial Digest products, ETF Trader, and Retirement Weekly.
So if that Smart Money subscription sounded too good to be true, it kind of was. But you can get the same amazing product, service and information, just from a different name. If you are big into business and finances, the Market Watch name is one to look into.