I am an aspiring businessperson. And I love magazines. So I want to pick a couple of financial executive magazines or investment news magazines to read regularly. Everyone seems to have a different opinion on which is the best financial magazine, so I will just have to check out a couple different money magazines and pick my favorites. For my smart money subscriptions to two top rated magazines would be enough to get me started. I can always supplement my reading with various money magazine online articles I can get at a lesser cost.
Some money magazines focus on investment and the stock market. There I can read about bonds and briefs, derivatives and trading. I can read about the housing market or the shrinking value of the American dollar. Or maybe I can just toss assorted money magazines around my apartment and hope some of the knowledge enters my psyche from simple osmosis and then single, attractive visitors who visit my home will be impressed with all the money magazines I read and think I must be either really brilliant or really passionate. That would be spiffy.
Of course, if I were the responsible aspiring business person I think myself to be, would not toss money magazines all over my house, I would purchase money magazines online and enjoy reading them on my environmentally minded tablet. All money magazines today are available online I am sure. And they are probably more affordable. And they save some trees. But the truth is that I like the feel of holding my magazines and turning the pages. But I suppose I will get over that over time. I will adjust and start a new habit. I will sit with my online money magazines and a cup of coffee and sit on my couch listening to Mozart. That will be a perfect way to start my day.