According to a recent Gallup poll, only 54 percent of Americans are currently investing; this is the lowest percentage since 1999 (it peaked around 65 percent in 2007 according to Money mag). Also according to Money magazine online, the sharpest decline is noted among the middle class (those who earn between 30 and 75 thousand). Whether these numbers are lagging due to limited household budgets or a general disenfranchisement with the economy, however, is left to be determined.
If you belong to the 50 percent of Americans who invest, there are many resources to keep you abreast of what is next for the U.S. stock markets. In fact, there is no one best financial magazine, but there is an investment news magazine or newsletter, such as Kiplinger newsletter, to match the type of investments you wish to make.
For the consummate, savvy financial professional, expert industry sources, like a financial executive magazine, are often their best bet. For the rest of us (and I am assuming you are not a finance pro since you are reading this), a Smart Money subscription, access to the Kiplinger letter, and a subscription to Bottom Line Personal magazine might be your best option.
The aforementioned resources, such as Bottom Line Personal magazine, cater to ordinary people who have questions regarding a range of investment topics. The premise of these B2C (business to consumer) publications is to make the oft convoluted world of financial planning more palatable (and less head scratching inducing) for the laymen.
In addition, informational sources like Bottom Line Personal magazine are written by a cadre of experts from a variety of specialties. Bottom Line Personal magazine, for example, covers more than just investment advice topics; Bottom Line Personal magazine is also a valuable resource for retirement and college tuition planning, taxes, and real estate issues.